How to Contact Me
Hi, my name is Robert. I'm the founder and editor of this website. To learn more about me, check out How I Discovered Reiki and The Life Force Energy.
There are a few ways we can interact...
The Reiki Forum - (coming soon) join our Reiki community! Share your stories and answer questions about 'Reiki and related energy conundrums.
The Reiki Newsletter - subscribe for free and get great monthly features and Reiki haeling advice.
My Facebook Group - become a fan on Facebook and get access to the very latest articles and Reiki discussions.
My Twitter Page- if you're a Twitterer (!) then follow me for my daily micro-blogs and Reiki tid bits.
Otherwise, you can email me using the contact form below. Please understand that I receive a lot of emails and can't always answer them all personally.
Please note: I'm not a doctor and can't advise you about any specific bodily ailments. If you need urgent medical attention or are in chronic pain, please see a specialist.