The Five Reiki Principles
Closer look on Reiki Principles.
Reiki is a body, mind, and spirit healing system that was created more than 80 years ago by Dr Mikao Usui. He believed that in order for us to practice Reiki and transfer healing energy to one other, we must first take care of our own health and well-being. It is good to live your life in a simple, positive and nurturing way. With that, he developed the Five Reiki Principles for living a centered life:

Just for today, I will not be angry.
The first Reiki Principle is talking about anger towards the others, towards oneself or towards the whole world is one of the most complex inner enemies, creating blockages in one's energy flow. These blockages accumulate into your body over years and cause disease and dysfunctions of the organs. Watch yourself into a mirror and analyze your aspect and your physiology when you're angry, observe how your breath and your heart accelerate, feel your blood pressure growing up and admit how harmful and toxic this is for you. Reiki will help you remain calm in any situation, review your attitude and enjoy the best of every situation. Instead of being angry, remember how stupid you look when you're angry and how harmful this is for your heart, for your breath, for your blood pulse and asks yourself if your body deserves to receive a doses of this pure poison of anger. If this doesn't help, as soon as you get angry remember to go watch yourself into a mirror. This will certainly make you smile and help you let go all the anger. Bring peace into your mind and simply enjoy the rest of the day, as if it were a gift.
"Letting go of Anger brings Peace into the Mind."
Just for today, I will not worry.
It is a very good thing to be prevented and to have a good balance, however if this attitude is causing you blockages then you definitely should review it. Some people are excessively dealing with unjustified worries and concerns that are simply sabotaging their own actions. They block themselves into a passive-worried status, becoming unable to make a decision because of their excessive worries. This may not be your case, but anyway try to enjoy an entire day without worrying about anything.
"Letting go of Worry brings Healing into the Body."
Just for today, I will be grateful.
Instead of thinking of everything that you don't have, focus on all that you have and be grateful for everything. Think that more than 50%of people live in poverty and suffer from hunger, malnutrition, and other diseases. Even today there are villages without drinking water or electricity, and people there don't even dream about cell phones, Internet or TV. Think about all these and be grateful for everything that you have, enjoy every little detail, every word, every smile, fell free to say 'thank you' to everyone who makes you feel good. Be grateful that you have been chosen to live in such good conditions, be grateful for receiving everything you received as a gift in this life, be grateful for having Internet access and for having such an open mind, be grateful for being conscious of your will to improve yourself, to be free of material needs and have the time and the will for spiritual evolution and constant self-improvement.
"Being Thankful brings Joy into the Spirit."
Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
As a response to the Universe's gift for you, manifest your gratitude by taking responsibility for the work that has been given to you. Even if you might find it ordinary or dull for your abilities, try to do it the best you can and enjoy it. Take responsibility for all the work that you do and do everything as good as you can. Earn a respectable living and do a respectable work. Every little work that you will do honestly will bring satisfaction into your soul.
"Working honestly brings Abundance into the Soul."
Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.
This is the last one from Reiki Principles, calls you to be kind to every living things around you, and not only people but everything around you, plants, animals, the whole nature. "Being Kind brings Love into the Will." Dr Mikao Usui's reiki principles remind us to remain conscious and aware every moment of our day and can be followed whether you practice Reiki or not.
To start living a life that's simple and balanced, start applying the Five Reiki Principles. You will see amazing changes coming your way.